Sunday, January 23

I am the least organised person I know. This is a trait that I have come to terms with, for the most part. There will be days, however, that I curse myself endlessly for my misgivings. Today was one such day.

 I finally decided to appease my Mum by clearing out a chest of drawers at her house. These drawers have become the home of anything I have left in the family home on my sporadic weekend trips up there. (No doubt accompanied by underbreathed curses as my poor mother sweeps through the house, gathering my belongings upon my departure.)

The contents of these drawers included:
  • Handmade 1920's headpiece from my girlfriend's not too recent 21st.
  • Hoards of earrings, rings and bangles.
  • Leopard-print wedges that I had long since given up on finding.
  • This most fabulous silver mega-pendant. It's heavy, long and fantastic. Best of all, it was thrifted on one of the afformentioned weekends away, so I've never actually worn it. New!

On second thoughts, maybe I'm not too worried about my disorganisation- nor my abilty to mindlessly leave my belongings places other than my wardrobe.

I mean, look at all the awesome new stuff I got... ; )

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